I HAVE to object to claims made by deputy chief fire officer Stuart Errington who said road works were to blame for a late response to a house fire in Darlington on Saturday (Echo, June 23).

We all know that fire engines can quickly cut through traffic no matter what and road works never stop them in a full emergency.

However, let’s also look at the other side of the coin.

The Government is now asking fire fighters to work until 60, get less money for doing so and, adding insult to injury, receive a reduced pension.

Maybe the faceless fools in Whitehall should try carrying a wet hose-reel up a ladder with a full breathing apparatus kit on then spend 45 minutes fighting a blazing building .

See if, at 60 years of age, they could even lift the gear let along save a life and put fires out.

Everyone hates to see anyone lose everything but, in life, the time comes when a body of fire fighters have to say enough is enough.

We ask a lot of our dedicated fire fighters – pulling bodies from rivers, cutting families from car crashes and dealing with chemical incidents as well as fires.

All of our emergency services should be well paid and not have Whitehall’s chinless wonders cut pay and pensions to the bone.

John Merry, Darlington.