I NOTICE the crackpot health and safety fools have had their sticky fingers all over the Tour de France in Masham, stunning local traders and residents by forcing them to remove knitted bunting ( Echo, June 20).

What a waste of time and money, sending in tree surgeons paid for by the tax payers to strip lampposts of the bunting in case the lampposts somehow fell down.

Not a thought has been given to the school children, Women’s Institutes and craft groups from round the globe that spent six months creating the bunting trying to show the world what a warm welcome all would have in Masham when the tour went through. This is despite the fact that the council agreed to it in the first place.

What the good people of Masham should do is still hang the bunting all over the village.

Well done to all in Masham who did their best to bring some fun into such a prestige event... and a kick in the backside to the council killjoys.

John Merry, Darlington.