I READ with interest the article about former police commander Andy Reddick’s retirement and his volunteering job which he has taken up (Echo, June 19). While I admire and applaud the man, I would like to point out that I and many more retired people do likewise for many hours a week and do not gain acclaim in the press.

To give this gentleman almost half a page and a photo just because he is an ex-police officer is, I think, a little over the top – or was it a page filler on a slow news day?

I also drive a local community mini bus and volunteer as a driver for the Voluntary Services Car scheme which transports local senior citizens (I am 70 myself) and handicapped people to hospital and doctors’ surgeries among other destinations.

They would find it extremely difficult to reach these places otherwise as local bus services have become increasingly rare.

I commend Mr Reddick for his decision to serve the community in this way but as your article states he is only 55.

Most of us have worked until retirement at 65 before taking up this past time. We do not do it for the glory or recognition just a thank you at the end of the day.

Incidentally we never have enough volunteers, if anyone has a few hours to spare please contact your local volunteer bureau you will be most welcome, the more the merrier.

D J Simpson, Northallerton.