THE debacle surrounding Bishop Auckland MP Helen Goodman’s knowledge of the village of Ingleton in her constituency is yet another prime example of the crazy selection process that the Labour Party undertakes in its northern safe seats (Echo, June 16).

Ms Goodman has been my MP for nearly 10 years, so sadly I wasn’t that surprised to read about the gaffe as the Labour Party consistently parachute candidates into safe seats who then proceed to live a life in London a million miles away from the real day problems of constituents.

I often ask Labour supporters exactly what 13 years of Labour control has achieved for the North- East? Never has the divide between North and South been so great, and yet the Prime Minister held his seat in the region – it beggars belief.

The North has been well and truly had by the Labour Party.

Labour supporters should take a look at the party, as I did, and realise that the value base has been eroded during the last decade.

They should see that alternatives do exist.

The Green Party holds core values of regulating the financial system for the benefit of the people not the City, the nationalisation of the rail network to stymie the ever increasing cost of travel. The Green Party will introduce a progressive tax system that rewards all for the benefit of all and build a sound energy policy that accounts for all aspects of modern life, including a sound environmental policy.

The Green Party is the only party to oppose the march of fracking.

Next year, I, along with colleagues in County Durham, will be hoping to stand in the General Election when ‘traditional’ voters will have a chance to vote for a true alternative in the Bishop Auckland constituency.

Cllr Thom Robinson, Barnard Castle.