WELL done to councillor Anita Savory who is urging her colleagues to reverse a decision to close Newtown House care home, in Stanhope (Echo, June 16).

At last, a councillor with some compassion.

Because of of its location Newtown House should be a special case.

As I have said in the past, I do not agree with any of the council homes closing and residents being moved to the private sector.

Rachael Shimmin, corporate director of children and adult services at Durham County Council, claims that there is a falling demand for residential care places but the private homes’ seem to be thriving.

She says that the decision to close the homes, taken by the cabinet, does not need to be ratified by the full council.

Such a huge decision; yet it can be decided without the full council – how very convenient.

Let’s not be too downhearted, though, because Ms Shimmin has been awarded an OBE for her trouble.

So it’s not all doom and gloom then.

Ann Dryden, Newton Aycliffe.