DURHAM MP Roberta Blackman- Woods says she believes in regional devolution but “the mechanisms should be local authorities or local authorities working together” (Echo, June 17).

In the 2004 referendum, the North-East people rejected an awful offer which was all too likely to become an expensive Labourdominated talking shop with little or no power to address the problems of the region.

Ten years is a decent amount of time to wait before asking again whether a more useful form of democratically accountable devolution can be obtained from Whitehall and Westminster.

Scotland and Wales both rejected devolution first time around – look where we are now.

The delegate democracy model of local authorities working together represented by the North- East Leadership Board is accountable to the ruling party chiefs in each council.

The Leadership Board’s members represent a minority (those who vote for the party in power) of a minority (those who vote at all).

We need real democratic accountability if we are to restore the North-East to its rightful place in the country.

John Tait, North-East Party treasurer, Stockton.