I REMEMBER many years ago when I was a teenager the fish monger came round selling fresh fish and kippers.

In those days, fish was sold from a horse and cart. There was no refrigeration to keep the fish cool on a hot summer’s day.

I remember the flies buzzing around the horse and cart and the horse’s rear end.

There was no health and safety in those days. Did anyone suffer ill-effects from eating the fish bought from an open horse and cart?

One fish seller, who had no refrigeration to keep his fish cool, would often bury his leftovers in a box in the garden.

What has happened to the fishmongers today? I don’t see them on the council estates, but I am sure with modern technology it would be possible.

I am sure some young gentlemen could take up the mantle and see this as a excellent business venture.

Jimmy Taylor, Coxhoe.