I IMAGINE thinking about independence in Scotland will be at two levels. One is the rational level – which arrangement is best.

The other is what the majority of Scots feel in their hearts: do they regard themselves in a forced marriage to an intolerable partner?

Do they want a divorce so much that they are prepared to face painful consequences?

Clearly if they do vote for independence Alex Salmond will face tough negotiations in London and Brussels.

For my part, I fully sympathise with their distaste for the Westminster establishment. I wish the North-East could disconnect from London and I would be sorry to see Scotland go.

Mr Salmond is overplaying the hand he has got.

He reminds me of a poker player hoping the cards he possesses come out trumps.

I would not choose to place my future in his hands.

Emotionally, I would like to see the smug London establishment humiliated but that does not seem to be a possibility at the present time.

If the time comes, I would love to be the person to put the boot in.

G Bulmer, Billingham.