WHAT kind of upbringing did VJ Connor have, that he should condone the stealing of sandwiches from a supermarket in Darlington by two individuals who obviously don’t know how to behave in society, and for not having to work for what they need in life (HAS, Feb 10)?

Was he dragged up – or placed in care for his bad behaviour? I don’t know and I don’t want to know. It beggars belief.

If Mr Connor is so concerned for the welfare of these two thieves he should pay the £40 fines and give out free sandwiches in Darlington.

I’m afraid if the contents of his sandwiches are as boring as the contents of his letters, he’ll be standing there longer than he hoped.

Has he never read the ten commandments, one of them being “thou shalt not steal”?

I’m delighted that the magistrates didn’t give the thieves a custodial sentence.

They would be clapping their hands, what with all the free meals behind bars.

Name and address withheld.