FEMALE MPs are being bullied in the House of Commons because of their North-East accents (Echo, Feb 17).

Come on girls, you can fight your corner as good as the rest of them in the funny farm of the House of Commons.

I wonder if all the other members of the house are treated in the same way. After all, with so many MPs from the four corners of the UK with accents from England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales are they all being bullied?

My view, for what it is worth, is that this little group have got their pettycoats in a twist and, with nothing other to go on about, have come up with this line.

This group of ladies are the first to shout from the roof tops when it is a politically-motivated issue.

I am sure they can stand up to silly boys winding them up.

With all the problems facing this country, a bit of horse play is not going to upset them or worry them when it comes to claiming the lavish expenses each enjoy.

John Merry, Darlington.