BRITAIN today is a nation in social crisis. More than one in three children – four million young people – are surviving in relative poverty which is one of the highest figures in the advanced world.

And yet there is one extended family that lives in absolute luxury at the expense of everyone, spending tens of thousands of pounds of public money on personal holidays alone.

That elite family is the House of Windsor, who are estimated by Republic to cost the British taxpayer more than £200m a year, the equivalent to 9,560 nurses, 8,200 police officers and more than the total annual Ministry of Defence spending on food.

Theirs is a contrived and unnatural elitism that explains our disastrous decline over the last 100 years, from glittering world leader to stinking cesspool of crime and violence.

It is time for our politicians to realise that the inequality and the privilege which the monarchy represents is just wrong. In fact, utterly immoral.

As Steven Patrick Morrissey said: “The monarchy is foremost a business, and it’s important to them that the British public continue to finance the excessive luxurious lifestyles of the now quite enormous, wasteful and useless ‘royal’ family. I find it very sad...They are the most dysfunctional, unpleasant and arrogant people on the planet. A sour soap opera, and they should resign and retire.”

Aled Jones, Bridlington.