THE recent severe weather has left thousands facing the misery of flooding, yet the Government stands idly by offering very little aid.

Considering the amount of flooding over recent years, flood defensive work should have been given top priority, regardless of cost.

In the long run, it would have saved billions and eased the present situation. It would have also created many a worthwhile job .

The Environment Agency complains that successive governments have starved it of funding, which, under present Government policy, is probably a correct statement.

British governments seem to have a knack of being clueless, maybe it is a trait for becoming a minister or an MP?

On the other hand, when it comes to overseas aid our governments have no problem at all in finding billions of spare cash to assist various foreign regimes and their people.

We should use the enormous amount of tax we pay in this country to help our own people and put our country’s failing infrastructure back in order before it is too late and we become the one’s begging for overseas aid.

A Walton, Newton Aycliffe.

THE residents of the Somerset Levels are wasting their time in shouting at the chairman of the Environment Agency Lord Smith (Echo, Feb 8).

The former Chris Smith MP is a bomb-proof Westminster politician. Their words will be water off a duck’s back to him.

He is soon to relinquish his environmental duties so he can concentrate his energies on the other ten positions he holds in public life.

A fine example of the British ruling class unelected and largely unaccountable.

Martin Birtle, Billingham.