I REALLY do not understand why the Prime Minister has bothered to waste his breath in the Scottish Independence debate (Echo, Feb 8).

Those of us north of the border are well aware that a “yes” vote will never happen.

The majority of Scots are far too stupid to vote for it.

John Hein, Edinburgh.

THE British Prime Minister has called on the British people to have a voice in the Scottish independence debate and to ask the Scots to stay in the UK.

I profoundly disagree, indeed I would very much urge the Scots to take this opportunity for freedom and vote for independence.

Indeed, I would ask the same for the people of Northumbria, the North-East and Yorkshire.

Independence would mean the rejection of the modern British state which says that all the money and power must be retained in London and the South, at the expense of Scotland and the North-East of England alike.

The British Parliament is full of yes men in thrall to the London money markets, who profit at the expense of us taxpayers.

Leslie Rowe, Richmond.