THE article by Rob Merrick about the conduct of the House of Commons relating to immigration (Echo, Feb 6) was very perceptive. The Commons is made up of elected politicians sizing up their chances in the General Election, which is not far off.

Immigration is a subject with great resonance and many Conservatives are running scared of Ukip.

The NHS is in crisis and the amount per capita spent on health is less than it was. This is due to the increase in the proportion of pensioners and the number of immigrants.

Euthanasia is not suggested for the over 80s because we vote in elections MPs are desperate to find ways to deport immigrants and the due process of law does not help.

The European Union is blamed but the real bugbear is the European Court on Human Rights, a court brought into being after the last war, largely at the instigation of this country, because it was thought at the time it would not impinge on our activities.

With a reduction in grassroots party membership – across the political spectrum – our politicians have to second guess opinion in the country at large.

Geoff Bulmer, Billingham.