I WAS disgusted by the anonymous letter (HAS Feb 1) about Syrian refugees.

In response to Britain’s decision to accommodate a few hundred of the 2.5 million people displaced by this vicious conflict, this heartless person asks: “Why, oh why is this country being used as a dumping ground for all the rubbish from other countries?”

Perhaps he or she should have read David Walsh’s article (also Feb 1) describing how Britain’s self-interested meddling in the Middle East a century ago has had repercussions which persist to this day.

Those who espouse that morally derelict adage, “charity begins at home”, should remember that, despite the real hardship endured by some British people in this economic crisis, Britain remains the world’s sixth richest country.

Does this have something to do with our imperial past, when we plundered the resources of other countries? Or with the unfair systems of international trade and finance, which cost poorer countries many times more than they receive in aid?

The writer goes on to grumble about imaginary “benefit scroungers” from Bulgaria or Romania.

Most immigrants come here to work. Overall, immigrants pay far more in taxes than they take in benefits, and are more likely to be in work, and less likely to claim benefits, than British-born citizens.

Pete Winstanley, Durham.