I, AND many others, are totally flabbergasted regarding the Durham policeman getting off with his 140mph blast on a public road.

The force stated he has more or less served his time by being given a internal job and getting the same wages as the lads working shifts in all weathers.

The main point being he should have been prosecuted for speeding – not receive a smack on the hand.

I am also at a loss as to what the other officer in the car said during his interview – was he asleep, playing games on his mobile or saying that he never noticed the speedo (Echo, Feb 1)?

If I, or any other member of the public, were caught at this speed we would have faced the courts. In this instance, it is not the prisoner’s word against the driver but the word of another officer and the prisoner.

Something must have come out of the interview for the speeding officer to have his police driving licence withdrawn.

Members of the public are prosecuted for doing a few mph over the 30 limit – will they now be let off? I doubt it.

Let’s have a fair system for them and us. I don’t know what but something is not quite right here.

I rest my case.

Tony Stainthorpe, Durham City.