I, LIKE Ken Tait (HAS, Feb 1), found myself on an agency website when I tried to renew my over 70s driving licence, as I have to do every three years.

After I’d filled in all the boxes, it wanted about £29 to submit. I came out and tried again, and it wanted £1, so I came out again and posted my application.

I had been told beforehand that doing it online would cost me nothing.

I have since been told to look out for these “other sites” as they are just agency sites which offer to do the job for you and charge a fee for doing so.

As the Government seems to be forcing us to use the computers, it should make sure we can recognise the genuine official site and not have us wading through a plethora of other sites which to the untrained look equally official.

Mason Scarr, Bainbridge, Leyburn.