TUCKED away at the bottom of page five on Monday (Echo, June 3) was a small article about prostate cancer. It reported on research that shows certain foods such as broccoli, tumeric, pomegranate and green tea can have a significant effect on this cancer.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. No one is immune. More than 40,000 of us males contract it each year.

I have had a scare in the past but was fortunate to be given the all clear. I was shopping in M&S recently and bought a prostate cancer pin badge. The assistant commented that to his knowledge this was the first purchase of this charity badge in the shop.

So, my call to readers is this: to read up on this cancer. Take steps to help prevent it attacking you. Support the prostate cancer charity. Buy a £1 pin and have a chance of saving your life or the life of some other man.

J Collinson, Darlington