SPENNYMOOR town council is offering a five figure sum to help build a skate park for young people. Well done to them.

After recently donating £50,000 to Spennymoor FC for floodlights it shows they are willing to encourage sport and leisure.

If only this were so at Ferryhill. Durham County Council wanted to close our leisure centre. Thankfully, it has been saved and is now offering not only sports but other social facilities. Regretfully, our town council seem unable or unwilling to offer any financial support.

The Labour party manifesto at the recent town council elections stated that £20,000 had been donated. I believe the offer was to stand as guarantee for that amount in times of need. To my knowledge the money never changed hands.

The now renamed Ferryhill Hub offers facilities for all ages including bowls, five-a-side football, a nursery, cricket nets, bar, conference and function rooms and many more.

We are in times of cost cutting, I know, but if Spennymoor can do it then surely Ferryhill make some effort.

Ken Tait, Ferryhill