A YOUNG man, a member of our church congregation, who has been doing fine work studying and teaching at Durham University, is being forced to leave the UK next month.

What is his crime? Terrorism perhaps? Or drug smuggling?

Incitement to religious hatred?

Espionage? Computer-hacking?

No. He’s simply an American.

His visa is expiring and somebody somewhere has refused to renew it.

What does this say about justice in our country? Or even common sense?

Rose Reeve, Durham

HELP FOR HEROES FOLLOWING the atrocity in Woolwich last week, I would ask everyone to wear their Help for Heroes hoodies and T-shirts with pride. We must not allow these terrorist acts to affect our daily living in any way.

I would ask readers to say a prayer for a young British soldier from the Gilesgate area of Durham who gave his life for his country approximately five years ago. His name was Aaron Lincoln. Young men like him are the real heroes.

Bob West, Durham