STOCKTON SOUTH MP James Wharton should realise that social landlords and councils are too busy coping with the fallout from the disastrous bedroom tax to “sing from the rooftops” about the right to buy (Echo, May 28).

In Stockton, more than 2,400 households have been hit by the so-called under-occupation charge and the council has had more applications for emergency financial support in a month than it usually gets in a year.

Like most councillors, I have spoken to people who are at their wits’ end over this spiteful measure. None have been the stereotypical scroungers so beloved of the tabloid press.

They are ordinary people who have suffered illness, bereavement or job loss and are being kicked when they are down.

Mr Wharton might also like to reflect that in the current economic climate, people are loathe to take on mortgages. Last year, Stockton’s Struggling Homeowner service dealt with 3,200 cases where buyers had around £8m of debt. Again, job loss and short time working were the main problems.

If Mr Wharton spoke up for these people instead of acting as cheerleader for divisive coalition policies, maybe people would be more willing to listen.

Councillor Michael Clark (Lab), Grangefield, Stockton