I AM saddened to read that a slur has been cast on the Durham Chorister School for something that allegedly happened over 50 years ago (Echo, May 20).

The man who is accused of abuse has since died and is therefore unable to defend his integrity.

Though I would sympathise with any victim of abuse, I wonder why it has taken so long to report this matter and what inspired such late action.

I have nothing but admiration for the school and its staff, having had the privilege of having had one of our grandsons attend the school until the end of term last year.

I have noted the good and professional relationship between pupils and staff, including the high standard of education with talents encouraged and exceptional standards achieved. To attend a prize-giving, school concert or performance was always a real treat.

May a satisfactory conclusion be reached so that the school does not suffer prolonged action or criticism that would unduly affect its image.

God bless the staff and school now and for future years.

Colin G Farquhar, Durham