THERE is no excuse for the murder of a British soldier in Woolwich (Echo, May 23) and the perpetrators should be prosecuted and sentenced in accordance with the law.

However, I think the Government needs to consider all measures to prevent a recurrence of such an outrage.

I don’t agree with the condemnation of all Muslims and immigrants as the appropriate response.

Thankfully, I don’t think the Government is doing that.

My political orientation is to the Left and I am sure people think I have politically correct views.

However, I do not want to condemn those who take a different view. Instead I will assert my own right to disagree with them.

I had not realised, until it was pointed out by Joan McTigue (HAS, May 26) that the famous “rivers of blood” speech by Enoch Powell was a quotation from Virgil’s Aeneid.

I must have missed that passage.

Geoffrey Bulmer, Billingham