DO you remember these words: “The National Health Service is safe with me.”

They were uttered by Prime Minister David Cameron.

But the Conservative Policy Forum has asked grassroots Tories if they would support a limit on the amount of times we can visit our GPs.

Who came up with this idea?

They obviously don’t feel the need to see a doctor.

Don’t these buffoons realise people are not all the same and that all bodies are different?

Or do they think we’re all robots?

But even robot need maintenance.

And as for seeing a GP, these people, want to have a try at getting in to see one – it’s not an easy task as they seem to think.

You are expected to see any GP whether they have been treating you for your ailments or not.

Believe me, the NHS is going down the pan. But then again they will obviously have private health care.

Lawrence McGowan, Sherburn