DAVID CAMERON’S “work hard and want to get on” war cry is as shallow as his policies.

The Prime Minister certainly doesn’t practice what he preaches.

MPs are taking a 12-day whitsun jolly. As they have just come back from their last taxpayer-funded holiday they didn’t even have to unpack their suitcases.

This year MPs have had a total period of six months of idle inactivity. The only reason MPs return to parliament is so they can break up for their next holiday.

MPs love to use the word skiver. But it is the MPs who are the skivers.

Mr Cameron and his deputy Nick Clegg may just have time to forward Britain a “wish you were here” postcard.

But for many Brits they will be wishing just one thing - for Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg to stay where they are.

Dear Cam and Clegg, wish you weren’t here.

Stephen Dixon, Redcar