MIDDLESBROUGH’S mayor Ray Mallon has had 11 years to crackdown on problem families and on his own admission last year he accepts his interventions have all failed.

Mayor Mallon gave a commitment to the people of Middlesbrough when elected in May 2002 that his master plan, Raising Hopes Agenda, would mean a massive reduction in street crime, anti-social behaviour and neighbours from hell.

This joint committee which involved Cleveland Police and Fire Service began its life fairly well but soon became a nonproductive talking shop when Mr Mallon stood down as its chairman.

Can we therefore really believe that we are about to see a crackdown on a hardcore nucleus of 500 families, currently causing extensive damage to our town?

The last 11 years are sadly littered with broken promises and lost opportunities from senior politicians and chief officers serving on Middlesbrough Council.

Ken Walker, Middlesbrough