IN his speech on immigration on Monday, David Cameron caved in to the more hysterical sections of the British media on immigration, because of the danger he perceives from Ukip and from elements within his own party.

If only immigration policy could be developed long-term in a calm and measured atmosphere.

It is often said that there should be a proper debate on immigration. I agree. But how can there be a proper debate when so much of the media and the political parties of this country only speak in terms of it being a problem?

It is also said that it isn’t racist to talk about immigration. Again I agree. But it becomes racist when racial stereotyping and one-sided negative views of immigration are accepted as the norm and there is no balance in the debate about immigration.

At the end of the day, it has been proved time and time again, that immigrants are net contributors to the UK economy and often do many of the vital jobs in public services.

Certainly there will be individual cases of immigrants abusing the system and these should be dealt with. However to portray these cases as the norm is both dishonest and dangerous.

It gives the real racists carte blanche to cause mayhem and suffering.

Mr Cameron’s speech has done nothing to encourage a sensible, sober and mature debate which could lead to policies on immigration which are both fair to migrants and beneficial to our country.

Peter Sagar, Heaton, Newcastle.