DECADE on I still regret the unneccessary loss of 179 UK service personnel and the hundreds of thousand of Iraqi dead following what Lord Prescott now calls an unjustified intervention of allied forces into Iraq.

Tony Blair persists in a campaign to purge himself of guilt about his involvement in this bloody affair based on dubious claims that Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons that could be used against the West.

Mr Blair claims that had we not intervened then Iraq would have undergone a rebellion.

Well that is just what is happening now post conflict.

What, apart from a massive loss of life, did Messrs Blair and George Bush achieve? I believe the answer is absolutely nothing.

Mr Blair converted to a religion wholly based on forgiveness and love of one’s fellow. Even in retirement he is the ultimate hypocrite.

The only way he can be completely vindicated in his role in this conflict is by appearing before a trial. I’m afraid that prospect is as likely as Sir John Chilcott producing a frank report on the episode.

Colin Mortimer, Durham City.