I DON’T normally write or talk about politics. I was brought up in a working-class family and my views have always being left wing.

I have always voted Labour, as I always thought that the Tories were just for the rich and the Liberal Democrats were only a party for those who couldn’t decide who to vote for.

Now the Tories are doing badly in the opinion polls I believe the time is right for the Labour Party to change its leader.

I believe David Miliband is the man for the job and not his brother, Ed. David seems to me to come across to the voters more than his brother.

In order to win the next election Labour must win over the middle class and David’s the right man for the job.

Ed will always be branded Red Ed by some sections of the media.

So come out of the closet David, your country needs you.

If you can’t get the leadership you need a high-profile job in the shadow cabinet.

We also need to see more of you in the media.

Don’t let the Tories win the next election, as god knows what cutbacks await us.

Mick Peacock, Coxhoe.