AS Easter approaches many people with diabetes, their friends and family may be unsure about whether they should be enjoying chocolate eggs and other treats.

If you’ve got diabetes it’s important to eat a healthy, balanced diet and include sugary high-fat foods only occasionally.

But Easter only comes once a year and people shouldn’t worry about the odd one or two overindulgences, as this will not affect long-term blood glucose control.

Small amounts of chocolate can also still be eaten as part of a healthy diet.

It’s important that children with diabetes have a similar egg to their siblings and friends so that they don’t feel that their diabetes excludes them.

Adults with diabetes, on the other hand, may prefer an alternative Easter present such as flowers, fruit or a book.

We do not recommend “diabetic” Easter eggs. Diabetic chocolate is just as high in fat and calories as ordinary chocolate, it can still raise blood glucose levels and is often more expensive then regular chocolate.

Linda Wood Regional manager, Diabetes UK Northern and Yorkshire.