THANK goodness Colin Mortimer has raised the issue of mass immigration by Romanians and Bulgarians when they gain free movement into Britain in December (HAS, Mar 18).

It is not only immigrants from these two countries because a “granny” loophole is being promoted by the president of Romania which would allow Moldovians who claim a Romanian grandparent to get a visa and join the thousands who are already making plans to come here.

This is an extremely worrying development which we appear to have signed up for.

We just cannot sustain these numbers of low-skilled people.

The Government will not give an estimate of numbers, which indicates there will be hundreds of thousands.

We were told 15,000 Poles would migrate here when in actuality there were at least 750,000.

I have signed the Government e-petition protesting at this. To date there have been more than 131,000 signatures.

The mayor of Duisberg, in Germany, is in despair as his town has already been over-run by Romanians who have free movement.

His town is unable to sustain these people and the photos of the squalor are heartbreaking.

As Colin stated, all sectors of our society will be affected. Why can’t our Government just say absolutely no way to this mass freedom of movement. What could the EU do?

Where is our British spirit? We just can’t be the good man of Europe anymore. We are bankrupt as it is.

J Phillips, Crook