I AM writing in response to questions raised about how Durham County Council issues its blue badges (HAS, Mar 12).

The Department for Transport has reviewed the blue badge scheme and has introduced a number of changes which aim to improve the service for those who require it.

Changes include a revision in the way applications are assessed. Durham County Council follows the Department for Transport’s good practice guidance to determine whether an application meets the criteria.

Local authorities are now required to carry out independent assessments rather than seeking a doctor’s opinion on eligibility.

The council always uses qualified occupational therapists who specialise in mobility assessments to undertake this role. They carry out assessments based on the information provided in applications and, where necessary, they will also arrange mobility assessments to determine whether applicants meet the walking criteria detailed in the good practice guidance.

The process includes the right to request that decisions are reviewed and applicants can provide any additional relevant information, including supporting information from their GP or consultant.

The fee for a badge has recently increased to £10 but this is in line with the amount charged by other authorities in the region.

Application forms are available by calling 03000-269425 or from the Durham County Council website: durham.gov.uk

Ken Pattison, Children and Adults Services, Durham County Council