I WHOLEHEARTEDLY endorse M Wyldbore’s view that we should “live in peace and love and help each other” (HAS, Mar 18), but it is hard to see how this can be achieved while Israel refuses to allow the Palestinians a state of their own.

He correctly states that the United Nations divided Palestine in 1947, allocating half for the creation of a new Israeli state.

But since then, Israel has expanded to 78 per cent and continues to expand.

For decades, Palestinians have offered to end hostilities in return for an end to the Israeli occupation of the remaining 22 per cent, but the Israelis will not accept this.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is now in coalition with Naftali Bennett of the Jewish Home party, who says that a Palestinian state would be a “disaster” and proposes to annex a further 60 per cent of the West Bank.

Mr Wyldbore believes that it is the will of God that the Jews should have their own land in Palestine.

I do not believe in God; but if God is good, surely He would not wish for His will to be imposed through violence, oppression and ethnic cleansing?

Pete Winstanley, Durham