WHY is it only the Greens and Ukip want us to have a referendum this year on our membership of the EU?

The other parties will pay a heavy price in forthcoming council elections if we do not see a change of heart from them.

For 50 years we have enjoyed a quality of life unparalleled in human history party because of the founding of our welfare state. That took a lot of faith in others which, in large part, has resulted in profound disappointment as people have failed to live up to that trust.

Nevertheless we must remember what is important in life.

We can still get back the good times and live in sustainable communities with honesty and mutual respect for each other with good communal services free or subsidised at the point of delivery but only if we all make a supreme effort.

We have lost control of our borders and we must get it back immediately. Because of that also we have lost respect for ourselves and our sense of community.

We see it everyday in the litter on the streets, the bad driving on our roads and the potholes in our roads we no longer seem to care about too.

If there is to be an NHS and a welfare state in Britain we must take back control our borders, come out of the EU and substitute our relationship with Europe with a free trade deal.

Let us have our referendum on Europe this year before the door is left open to all of Rumania and Bulgaria.

Taking away benefits to new incomers is not the answer.

Whole families with small children will be begging in bus shelters.

Nigel Boddy, Darlington.