THE latest nasty idea from this nasty Government is the bedroom tax.

Many of those unable to pay the tax will be forced to move a considerable distance, leaving behind friends, family and neighbours. Children may have to be moved to a new school, disrupting their education and breaking up established friendships.

In many areas, there are nowhere near enough smaller properties available in social housing, so families will have to rent in the private sector where rents are much higher.

Many will pay more for a onebedroom flat then they were previously paying for a twobedroom house, so they will claim more in benefit and cost the taxpayer more.

While most housing benefit claimants are either pensioners or unemployed, about 20 per cent are in work, but on low wages.

What if they can’t find accommodation within commuting distance or end up paying higher fares to get to work?

People whose grown-up children come to visit will no longer be able to offer them a room for a few nights.

Are we governed by beings from another planet or are they just completely heartless?

Pete Winstanley, Durham.