I UNDERSTAND the gratitude expressed by VJ Connor regarding treatment he received on the NHS (HAS, Mar 12) but this does not reflect its performance in the wider spectrum over recent years.

There is a darker side. Reaching the age of 75 both my wife and I have had cause to formally complain on five occasions including referrals to the HNS ombudsman.

This has revealed a most serious failing within the NHS – it simply does not want to know and puts every conceivable obstacle in the path of prosecuting an issue in the hope that the complainant will back down through sheer frustration.

Ann Clwyd MP has been appointed to conduct a review in light of the Mid Staffs scandal (Echo, Mar 15).

Yet back in May 2011 Stephen Dorrell, the chairman of the House of Commons Select Committee on Health and a former health secretary, declared “the NHS complaints procedure is not fit for purpose”.

So seemingly we have to wait for an MP to complain for personal reasons before another review is initiated.

Bearing in mind the Leveson inquiry into press intrusion, whatever the outcome of the Mid Staffs review nothing of significance will happen. This is how the NHS has been allowed to protect its image through the past decade.

Brian Howarth, Consett.