WINSTON is a little village not far from Darlington sporting a church and a village hall.

What it lacks in amenities it makes up for in the pleasure it gives to so many people each year, all in the name of charity.

It is with great sadness that this week saw the last performance of Winston Follies – a variety show of the best kind, with no swearing or obscenities just saucy innuendo and laughter from start to finish.

All the money that accumulates goes to various charities.

Trevor Woods is fantastic with his one line jokes and his keyboard renderings.

Over the years each member of the cast has grown more confident and funnier. Just to see their facial expressions is enough to set people off laughing.

May I thank each and every one of you for giving up your own time to bring so much pleasure to so many.

This little village where Winston Follies was held one week in the year has proved that you do not have to be rude, crude or obscene to be a comedian and to make people laugh.

To those of you who have never seen the show you have missed a treat and those who have will agree with me that it was brilliant and will be sadly missed.

Mavis and Norman Horton, Darlington.