I WOULD have thought the Echo might have kept John Phelan’s latest letter (HAS, 16 Mar) for publication on April 1.

It was full of the same points that have previously been disproved on a number of occasions.

Mr Phelan advances his clear dislike of Conservatives as the only evidence that he must be correct.

Durham County Council (DCC) housed the extremely well remunerated Labour Party MEP on peppercorn rent at County Hall. It was an absolutely scandalous situation and there was no apology whatsoever to the Durham taxpayer.

The unions have free accommodation at County Hall – four rooms, plus heating, electricity etc – they also enjoy taxpayer-funded union officials and union subscriptions administered for free by DCC.

Labour councillors at County Hall seemingly give seven per cent or so of their taxpayerfunded allowance (the highest allowance of any unitary council) to the Labour Party, with an admin fee of one per cent.

How many of these Labour councillors would give nearly £1,000 of their own money annually to the Labour Party?

Why are they using taxpayers’ money in this way?

Jim Tague, Bishop Auckland.