SO the Government is to have a consultation regarding the minimum unit price of alcohol, possibly on the same basis as that of the old American wild west when an outlaw was given a “fair” trial – then hanged.

The Government will “consult” with us then fix the price at 45p per unit.

What has happened to the old Tory mantra that market forces should be allowed to control business, where the strong survive and the weak go to the wall?

Surely this action will skew the market which will mean the wiping out of supermarket own brand spirits, vermouths, sherries etc, forcing normal drinkers to pay the price of the big brand name leaders.

Well said Frank Boyes (HAS, Nov 29), it’s nothing more than revenue raising.

Lol French, Hartlepool

THE big problem with alcohol is not what it costs at supermarkets or off licences, the problem sits squarely with the hours that pubs and night clubs operate.

Blame Tony Blair for pushing that one through. I seem to remember Mr Blair saying that we should have a continental approach to drinking hours and regulations.

Oh, what a good idea that was.

All the pubs and nightclubs cherry picked the hours they would open and close.

Go back 30 years to Bishop Auckland Market Place and at 11pm on a Sunday night just about everywhere was closed.

There was no trouble because everyone had gone home.

J Amos, Bishop Auckland