BENEFITS paid to disabled people are not going up in line with inflation. Workers’ wages are not going up in line with inflation. Why should the country’s contributions to the European Union go up in line with inflation? They should not.

The majority of MPs have voted against increasing contributions.

Most people would agree that we should not give more money to the EU at a time when the Government is cutting the budgets of North- East councils and putting local services under threat.

David Cameron has lost control of his own party and is isolated in Europe.

His only weapon is the veto, which is a very blunt instrument in EU negotiations where rapier-like political skills are needed.

The commons defeat over the EU budget is a problem for the Government, but it also acts as an effective means of diverting attention away from ideologically driven austerity measures which are hitting the vulnerable and increasing, rather than reducing, Government borrowing.

Even Lord Heseltine agrees – economic policy is the real weakness of the Government.

Liam Carr, Medomsley, Consett.