PLANS for a housing development on the former Electrolux site in Spennymoor will be discussed by Durham County Council (DCC) next week.

However, if people looked at the DCC document entitled Local Plan Preferred Options it clearly shows that Durham County Council’s own development planners see no need for any further housing developments within the Spennymoor area.

Thus no justification exists for further housing developments within Spennymoor.

However, the Hitachi development at Newton Aycliffe will require sub-assembly manufactured components, which can’t be built by existing plants and will require new plants to be built.

The location and road links means that no reason exists why these sub-assembly sites couldn’t be built on the former Electrolux site.

This would create thousands of jobs for people in Spennymoor, Ferryhill, Kirk Merrington, Croxdale, Coxhoe and Chilton, revitalizing local economies, That is something that a housing development won’t achieve.

CT Riley, Billingham.