THE spotlight is back on senior MPs after it emerged at least 19 of them have had lessons in how not to look dozy during a television interview by flashing their pearly whites and swerving tricky questions.

At least £12,000 has been spent on a series of self-indulgent media courses.

Recipients include former Recycling Minister Lord Taylor – an MP who used to get paid to spout on about rubbish.

Maria Miller, of the Department of Work and Pensions, who single-handedly obliterated Remploy factories for disabled workers, was another who took advantage of these courses.

One minister even attended two – as junior business minister, then Energy Secretary, Ed Davey had the experience of a private firm called Electric Airways – a company that had once worked with the famous Walt Disney Studios, creators of classic cartoons such as Dumbo.

Mr Davey claimed without these lessons the public would not understand what ministers were doing to the country.

Unfortunately for him, more and more people are realising exactly what ministers are doing to the country.

When it comes to wasting money MPs are the masters.

When it comes to creating pathetic Mickey Mouse courses they are second to none.

Stephen Dixon, Redcar.