I AM shocked by Joe Welthorpe’s heartlessness (HAS, Oct 27).

Referring to the civilian casualties of US drone strikes, he writes: “The message is simple – support and harbour terrorists and you will be ‘collateral damage’ – the choice is yours.”

There is no evidence that theses civilians, least of all the children, have been supporting or harbouring terrorists.

The Pakistani Taliban are vicious religious fanatics, who will commit any atrocity in pursuit of their nefarious aims, as demonstrated by their attempt to murder schoolgirl Malala Yousufzai.

Malala has shown astonishing courage in standing up to these murderous bullies, but many other children, parents and teachers also risk their lives daily in defying the Taliban.

Others may choose to keep their heads down, and try to get on with their daily lives, but for this they cannot be accused of supporting terrorism, and cannot be regarded as fair game for the drones.

Pete Winstanley, Durham.