I AGREE with Lib Dem councillor Ben Ord (HAS, Oct 29) that the Government should own fifty per cent of our public utilities.

It is perfectly clear that competition between the electric and gas companies does not drive prices down They will all make huge profits this year by driving their prices upwards. I would go a step further and include transport which in some parts of this county is just an unregulated mish-mash of services.

For instance, long standing villages in South West Durham like Witton-le-Wear and Fir Tree have not had a proper bus service for years.

Other small towns and villages like Billy Row, Stanley, Tow Law, High Grange and Hunwick have a limited service after 7pm and nothing on a Sunday. Weardale, with its areas of natural beauty, the Dales Centre in Stanhope and the Weardale railway has no bus service after 6pm and nothing on a Sunday.

John Phelan, Howden le Wear.