RECENT complaints regarding the shameful parking fines imposed at the University Hospital of North Durham (HAS, Oct 29) warrants further investigation and action to prevent the company involved from continuing to take advantage of patients and their relatives.

These people already have more than enough to contend with.

I have just received a parking fine from the LDK Security Group, despite having bought a valid ticket which was displayed on the dashboard, when visiting my seriously ill mother.

Unfortunately, it appears that the ticket must have been flipped over when the car door was closed and although LDK could clearly see that there was a ticket displayed it still issued me with a fine of £90 – or £60 if paid within 14 days.

I appealed and sent the ticket to the company’s head office in Milton Keynes, together with several other tickets I had bought over the previous few days so they could see that there was a pattern of visits.

Like the other complaints my appeal was dismissed and any further appeal to LDK forbidden.

I am also writing to my MP and the Hospital Trust to obtain their views.

As far as I am concerned this type of profiteering is totally unacceptable.

Stephen Warren, Broompark.