I DO wonder if retailers are aware of the annoyance they create with their patronising approach to customers, such as asking: “Do you want a hand with your packing?”

A bit of white hair seems to attract particular attention.

Recently, I was followed around a card shop by a staff member asking: “Can I help you find what you are looking for?”

Later, I needed to use a bank branch in Darlington, the Shildon branch having been closed, and was immediately descended on by a member of staff determined to help me.

Eventually I had to ask her not to help me as I was only paying in a single item.

I managed to complete the slip on my own and as I turned to select a window a managerial suit walked by saying: “It’s the 16th.”

So in the space of two minutes I was perceived as someone who doesn’t know what he’s doing and doesn’t know what day it is.

Today took the biscuit. Again in a card shop (not in Darlington) while browsing cards I was asked: “Do you know what you are looking for?”

Needless to say, the card was bought elsewhere.

I think that I should dye my hair black.

A Wilkinson, Darlington.