THE Government is apparently examining a two-tier road pricing system that would impose an extra charge for anyone who wants to drive on a motorway.

Meanwhile, a report by the Institute for Economic Affairs urges the Government to privatise the entire roads network.

If these valuable assets are sold surely older motorists whose road fund tax money paid to build them should at least become shareholders.

The income would be very welcome.

A much better way to generate income at no extra cost to the tax payer would be to tax foreign trucks as Gordon Brown once suggested when he was Chancellor of the Exchequer.

This would do two things: raise revenue and encourage the use of local haulage firms, by cutting the advantage of cheaper diesel and the carrying of part loads picked up in this country by these firms.

Of course, Brussels would protest but they already tax our commercial vehicles. They even tax British coaches that are carrying tourists to spend cash in their countries.

Alec Telford, Darlington.