I WRITE regarding changes to Durham’s taxi ranks and the closure of the rank in Claypath (Echo, Oct 24).

Durham County Council plans to close the night-time taxi rank on Claypath and replace it with a rank on the slip road to the Prince Bishops shopping centre entrance.

How are taxi drivers meant to make a living?

The ranks are already infiltrated with taxis from outside the area and these changes means that their trade will suffer (what there is of it).

Taxis from outside Durham should not be allowed into the city.

I think the taxi companies should protest to the council regarding these matters.

We often hear about the Gala Theatre making losses but it is easier for patrons to greet a cab outside the theatre than to walk to the slip road.

If they cannot obtain a taxi then they may not patronise the theatre. The county council should definitely change its mind.

Peter C Clark, Sherburn Hill.