DAVID CAMERON recently said no one should doubt that prisoners will not get the vote under his Government. This is spin and not as clear as it may at first seem.

Is the Prime Minister knowingly planning to delay the inevitable, realising he will have to back down eventually?

If so, and voting rights to prisoners are given after 2015, then if the Tories are still in office he has been true to his word that it did not happen under “this Government”.

If the Tories are not in office, and Labour are forced to bring this in, then the Prime Minister has still been true to his word.

It’s Tory spin.

To me, it seems ridiculous that a hard-up pensioner who receives a very short prison sentence, say for refusing to pay a council tax bill, is denied the right to have one vote amongst millions.

However, convicted serious criminals like Lords Jeffrey Archer and Conrad Black etc, are allowed back into the House of Lords to actively influence the making of law.

In limited circumstances, prisoners should be allowed to vote. The Prime Minister should stop the posturing and work on a fair, reasonable solution to this issue.

Frank Boyes, Durham.