KEV McSTRAVICK is right in saying that there is no “official”

data on the victims of drone strikes (HAS, Oct 25).

This is because the CIA refuses to divulge its own figures or to explain the criteria it uses to authorise strikes.

However, several reputable organisations have published the results of their own meticulous research, which indicate that significant numbers of civilians, including children, have been killed, and only a minority of victims have been reliably identified as militants.

Yet again, Kev accuses me of blaming the West for terrorism; so once again, I must explain that do not.

I have said that the Western response to terrorism since 9/11 has exacerbated the terrorist threat.

Kev refers to the current trial of three suspected terrorists from Birmingham, which illustrates my point.

The Government claims that military operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan are helping to protect us from terrorist attacks in Britain.

The opposite is true – the killing of Muslim civilians by British and US forces has enabled al Qaida to recruit homegrown terrorists to avenge their fellow Muslims in a “holy war”.

Pete Winstanley, Durham.